What Is Solar Energy?

You’ve probably heard numerous times that solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, but what is it? Solar power is essentially energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. While the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world, the U.S. solar market […]

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Solar Energy

Solar panels are designed to capture energy from the sun, channeling it to an inverter that converts it to electricity to power your home or business. A solar panel system is made up of the following components: Solar Panels: With proper installation, solar panels directly convert the sun’s rays into direct current (DC) electricity. These panels […]

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What Is Renenwable Energy?

Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat. As renewable energy is generated from natural processes that are continuously replenished, it’s power that cannot be exhausted and it consistently renewed. Sometimes referred to as alternative energy, as it’s an alternative to using fossil fuels […]

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