The Trump administration has made federal plans to open a solar energy plant outside of Las Vegas. The solar farm is said to be massive and cost around $1 billion. However, despite the costs, the project has received support from people like Warren Buffet. Solar power is already in use in many parts of Los Angeles. It is a cheaper alternative to natural gas and other power sources. While solar energy equipment is expensive right now, prices are expected to drop in the future as the technology becomes more readily available to the public. 

Seven Thousand Acre Facility

The facility is going to take up more than 7,000 acres and produce six hundred ninety megawatts of solar energy.  The largest solar farm to date is located in Southern California and produces five hundred seventy nine megawatts. If this new solar farm experiences the success that is expected, more solar plants like it are going to pop up across the country. The West may be the trailblazers when it comes to solar energy, with the rest of the country expected to follow suit. On the solar farm, there would be an energy storage facility. This facility would be used for storing energy created on the solar farm. This storage unit could hold as much energy as three hundred eighty megawatts of four hour long ion battery charges.

New Support from Lawmakers

The federal support of this Nevada-based solar farm has been crucial in its success so far. In the past, both the Trump administration and Buffet have been questioned regarding their stance on solar power. However, both parties show support for the opening of this massive solar farm. The project has been called the Gemini project and will be placed on federal lands. The Bureau of Land Management recently posted a statement that indicated that they would be granting approval for the project. The future of solar power is expected to depend on the success of this new solar farm. However, the new solar farm is expected to do great things for the advancement of solar power across the nation. 

In the past, President Trump has tried to roll back regulations for the fossil fuel industry. He also has a history of refuting mainstream science about the climate. Many people are glad to see that federal support of the development of the Gemini project. The future is expected to be bright.